angioplasty in Amritsar

Coronary angioplasty or percutaneous coronary intervention is a surgical procedure used to open blocked blood vessels or arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Also called balloon angioplasty because it uses a small balloon catheter that is inserted into a blocked blood vessel, it helps to widen the blood vessel and increase blood flow to the heart.


Why is it done?

Angioplasty is often used to treat peripheral artery disease (PAD), another name for hardening of the arteries that supply blood to your organs or parts of your body other than your heart. In some circumstances, angioplasty may also be used to treat narrowed areas in your veins, which are blood vessels that carry blood from your organs or organs and return the blood to your lungs and heart.


Angioplasty is also used to treat atherosclerosis in which a build-up of fatty plaque blocks the blood vessels of the heart and prevents blood flow to the heart. Angioplasty is not for everyone. If other treatments, such as medication and lifestyle changes, are not working, your doctor may recommend angioplasty. If the problem persists, your doctor may recommend surgery to prevent the disease from getting worse and also refer you to a good hospital for angioplasty in Amritsar. You may need angioplasty ID if you have symptoms,

  • Chest pain. Chest is the most common symptom for heart diseases. But if you already suffer from high cholesterol levels or coronary artery diseases, you may need angioplasty to clear the blocked artery and relieve chest pain.
  • Difficulty in breathing. Blocked arteries can block the flow of blood or oxygen to the heart, causing shortness of breath. This is one of the most common symptoms of coronary artery disease that requires angioplasty.
  • Pain in arms or legs. Muscle pain and cramps in the hands and feet can be caused by clogged peripheral arteries, which carry blood to other parts of the body.
  • Swelling in hands or feet. Swelling in the hands and feet is another symptom of coronary artery disease, which means you may need angioplasty.
  • Other symptoms such as dizziness, sudden weakness or numbness, difficulty walking may be due to blockages in blood vessels that may require angioplasty.



This surgical procedure is performed by a cardiac surgeon who specializes in performing surgical procedures related to the heart. Angioplasty is often combined with the placement of a small wire tube called a stent. A coronary artery stent is a small, metal mesh tube that extends inside a coronary artery. This helps prevent the artery from closing again. It is implanted right after angioplasty and placed over the blockage site. A stent can help open blocked blood vessels and increase the chance of it narrowing again. It is a minimally invasive procedure that takes place in a catheterization laboratory.


Before the procedure the patient is given the necessary medication before the surgery. Doctors use a very small amount of anesthesia to numb the area where a very small incision will be made. Angioplasty is usually performed through an artery in your groin, arm, or wrist area.


The patient’s blood pressure, heart rate and pulse are also monitored throughout the surgery to avoid the risk of complications. After making the incision, the doctor inserts a small thin guidewire into the blood vessel. The position of the catheter is continuously monitored through live X-rays during the surgery. Once the catheter is placed, a small amount of dye is injected to monitor blood vessel blockage.


Once the blocked artery is monitored, a small balloon is inflated over the top of the catheter to widen the blocked artery. After the artery is stretched, the balloon is inflated and the catheter is removed.



This process can take several hours, depending on the location, severity or number of blocked arteries. Patients can return to regular work within a week after successful angioplasty in Amritsar. This greatly increases the flow of blood through an already narrowed or blocked coronary artery. It gives relief from chest pain and other symptoms of diseases. It is also recommended to take sufficient time to visualize the arteries during treatment to remove any residual contrast dye, and for at least a day afterward to avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy objects. Is. It is advisable to drink fluids. Having angioplasty and stenting also doesn’t mean that your heart disease is gone. You will need to continue healthy lifestyle habits and take the medicines prescribed by your doctor.


2 years ago